
It’s all in the heel for United Nude.

Footwear label United Nude was co-founded in 2003 by Dutch architect Rem D Koolhaas who has architecture in the bloodlines (he is the nephew of Pritzker Award winning architect Rem Koolhaas) and seventh-generation English shoe designer Galahad Clark – launching a footwear brand that uses architectural principles at the forefront of their designs.

The story goes that Rem started his shoe design journey in an “attempt to get the girl back” after a broken heart by “downsizing architecture to its smallest and most vulnerable scale, that of a woman’s foot.” Cut-out, curved, angled, zigzagged, blocked, coned, and spiked are some of the shapes found in their uniquely structured heels and shoe silhouettes that many have probably never seen before.

A family friend first introduced me to the United Nude shoes this past weekend in New York. The actual store has an awe inspiring interior design with a minimalist feel and an array of cubicals that align the walls with perfectly stacked shoes assorted by color and design. The background lights periodically change in neon tones setting an ecstatic electric beat to the store which also highly compliment the feel of the shoes. Anywho, thanks for the referral Sunya egch!

Upon review of their latest catalog, here are a few of my favorites from the United Nude Spring/Summer 2011 collection:


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